'Some long-term problems and imbalances have accumulated in the management of the city's finances.' It didn't say how it planned to fund the new buildings. 市财政管理过程中积累了一些长期问题和不平衡现象。市政府没有说计划如何为新建项目融资。
Net assets that are accumulated by the enterprise that is founded with all the loaned fund guaranteed in the name of State-owned enterprise or institution. (三)以国有企业、事业单位的名义担保,全部以借入资金投资创办的企业所积累形成的净资产。
Abstract: The accumulated fund in individual account of Chinese medical insurance has little effect on resolving the problem of medical cost. 我国医疗保险个人帐户资金的积累对解决职工医疗费问题的作用相当有限。
Once they have accumulated a good-sized fund they can think more carefully about asset allocation. 一旦积累了较多的资金,他们在考虑配置资产时就可以采取更谨慎的态度。
Nevertheless, if the joint venture performs well in respect of its operation and profitablity, each party hereto in principle agrees to increase registered capital as appropriate, i.e.to use the accumulated reserve fund in accordance with conditions of operations and principle of raising capital prudently. 但是,如果合资公司的经营、利润状况良好,合同各方原则上同意再适当增加注册资本,即按经营发展状况和稳妥的股本筹措原则使用积累的储备基金。
The manufacturer has to advance the tax, before commencing the manufacture, and is therefore under a necessity of having larger accumulated fund than is required for, or is actually employed in, the production which he carries on. 制造商必须提前纳税,在开始生产以前就纳税。因而制造商拥有的资金,就必须多于生产所需要或实际使用的资金。
In this chapter, the author introduces three basic modes of raising pension funds across the world, namely, the cash-in and cash-out mode, the partially accumulate fund mode ( quasi-fund system), and the completely accumulated fund mode ( fund system). 首先介绍了目前世界上养老保险的三种筹资模式,现收现付模式、部分积累(半基金制)模式和完全积累(基金制)模式。
On the "bottleneck" restricting the development of the loan for housing accumulated fund and the countermeasures 浅议制约住房公积金贷款发展的瓶颈及其对策
'' A'' Company is a typical successful company, which was founded and undertook by some scientific and technical personnel. It produce medical reagent in recent years and have accumulated certain fund. A公司是典型的科技人员创业成功的公司,近几年来一直生产医学检测试剂,积累了一定的资金。
Investment control during construction phase is achieved through analysis on accumulated fund usage curve, identification of discrepancies from projections and their sources over the course. 施工阶段的投资控制,主要是利用资金累计曲线进行资金使用分析,及时发现投资发生偏差的原因;
In 1999, juvenile sports club was set up by the National Sports Bureau under the sponsoring of sports lottery public accumulated fund. 1999年,国家体育总局提出在体育彩票公益金的捐助下创建青少年体育俱乐部。
During the establishment and development of the social insurance system, more and more people were brought into the system and the accumulated balances of the social insurance fund were increasingly hugeness. 随着我国社会保险制度的逐步建立和发展,越来越多的劳动者被纳入到社会保险体系中,积累的社会保险基金累计结余规模也日益庞大。
Because of economy sustaining a high growth, our enterprises have accumulated much fund; at the same time, under the influence of the Subprime mortgages, the American and world economy has a slow growth, leading to global downturn. 由于我国经济多年持续高速增长,企业积累了大量盈余资金;同时由于次贷危机的影响,美国经济和世界经济发展减速,使整个世界经济出现低迷态势。
This part starts with the financing mode of security capital and indicates that only those need to be accumulated and to be operated constitutes social security fund, which includes the essential retirement pension fund, national social security fund and enterprise pension fund. 该部分首先以社会保障资金的筹集为切入点,明确社会保障资金中需要积累和运作的三部分形成社保基金,分别为基本养老保险基金、全国社会保障基金和企业年金基金。
Supposing that the potential income of redeeming investors is higher than the average accumulated unrealized income of fund investors, the external effect of redeeming behavior is negative to other investors. 赎回投资者的潜在收益高于其他基金投资者的平均累积未实现收益,其赎回行为对其他投资者存在负向的外部效应,反之,赎回行为则对其他投资者存在正向的外部效应。
The author thinks China should use part of the accumulated mode for pension fund raising and collect social security tax. 笔者认为,中国社保基金应当实施部分积累的筹集模式,并借鉴美国等发达国家的经验开征社会保障税。
However, with the growth of the private placement fund, the accumulated problems are obvious and potential. Even so, up to now, there is no systematic legislation concerning the standardization and development of private fund in china. 但随着私募基金规模的逐渐壮大,其积累的问题逐渐凸现,时至今日,我国尚未对私募基金的规范发展进行系统立法。